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Data Entry/Collection

Providing quality information is our top priority at CTS. We collect necessary data according to our client’s needs for various programs and to help measure demographics, improvements, and goals. Whether it's initial research, surveys, or questionnaires we are able to consistently deliver at an 80% or higher follow-up rate with participants.

Participant Tracking

Tracking is undoubtedly the most time-consuming of the data-collecting process. Participants tend to move frequently or may even become homeless making it more difficult to collect accurate information. Most grant recipients do not have the capacity to maintain the constant line of communication that is needed to execute this process. 


Our team at CTS is not only dedicated to but passionate about being active in the community and making the best effort to stay connected with participants.


GPRA Training

As a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) benefits from the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). This act requires federal agencies to set standards and measure effectiveness and performance.


CTS is proud to offer guided training for operatives needing to collect data per these federal regulations.


At CTS we provide your business or organization with the most accurate reports by following strict guidelines and setting up specialized key performance indicators (KPIs) for your goals. With these we are able to track and measure participants progress and success while ensuring that you are always up-to-date.


Focus Groups

Understanding the why behind a problem can sometimes be more complex than a traditional data tracking process. For these circumstances CTS is proud to offer diverse audience focus groups.


We utilize a qualitative approach to find your ideal audience and identify the right questions to get you the data you need.

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